What to Expect During Your Biofeedback Therapy Session

Imagine these actions- You are reading this article, looking out of the window, or reaching for a book on the table. These actions are voluntary and under your control. No matter what you do, your body also carries out involuntary actions like heart rate regulation, blood pressure, and body temperature.

These involuntary functions are influenced by your mental and physical health and behavioural disorders. Biofeedback therapy addresses the automatic response to triggers that impact these conditions.

JOGO Health’s biofeedback therapy in Madurai is an approved treatment for many issues like urinary incontinence and pain. This article helps you prepare for your biofeedback therapy session, in case it’s your first.

What Is Biofeedback Therapy & How Does it Work?

Biofeedback is an approved noninvasive treatment for controlling your body’s response to stress-inducing stimuli. This therapy is instrumental in changing the prior concept that our body had an involuntary response to stimuli. It proves that we can control how our body responds to stimuli by using electrical sensors to measure critical responses such as body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Biofeedback relaxes muscles, relieves pain, and reduces tension by inducing slight changes in the body. The therapy also helps decrease heart rate and breathing, eventually helping you breathe easily and feel better.

The innovative approach uses special equipment to monitor the body’s activities, and different ways are used to monitor feedback based on individual stress responses and goals.

What is Biofeedback Therapy Used to Treat?

Biofeedback therapy is slowly but steadily gaining traction in treating a range of conditions, including:

  • Anxiety, depression, and PTSD
  • Incontinence
  • Migraines and other pains
  • Hypertension
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Constipation
  • Breathing problems
  • Insomnia
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Substance abuse
  • Mental illnesses

This therapy is preferred because it is non-invasive and significantly minimises the need for medication. Biofeedback may also help in situations where medication cannot be used, such as pregnancy.

A therapist compassionately helping a patient prepare for a biofeedback therapy session.

What Happens During Biofeedback Therapy: What to Expect

Biofeedback therapy sessions are conducted in a hospital, medical centre, or physiotherapy clinic under the guided supervision of certified health professionals. Here’s how a typical session takes place:


To personalise the biofeedback session to suit your medical requirements, your practitioner will thoroughly discuss your symptoms, medical history, current health conditions, and medications to understand your health status. Your practitioner will also explain the process and how it works for your problem.

Setting up & Therapy

The practitioner will place electrodes or other sensors on specific points such as your finger, scalp, or neck to monitor bodily functions. These sensors are connected to a computer or device that provides real-time feedback via computer monitors or speakers. The feedback is collected as images, flashing lights or beeping sounds.

Utilising the Feedback

Your practitioner will use the feedback to identify problematic individual responses that cause the issue. For example, the feedback may reveal the muscles that tense up and cause headaches. Feedback related to the treatment of an anxiety disorder may involve observing changes in heart rate or perspiration in response to stressors or other stimuli.

Incorporating Techniques & Strategies for Treatment

Based on the feedback, your therapist will recommend relaxation techniques and strategies to improve problematic individual responses. For example, you may be trained to do Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and improve your bladder control. If you have muscle tension, your therapist may recommend progressive muscle relaxation techniques.

In short, the main objective of using biofeedback therapy is to manage involuntary muscle responses responsible for exacerbating your symptoms,

A normal biofeedback therapy session lasts for half an hour to an hour. Also, there are no hard and fast rules to how many sessions you can have. It depends on your requirements and how you respond to your treatments. After monitoring your progress in each session, your therapist will modify your practice strategies.

Also Read: Grasping the Differences: Urinary Incontinence vs Overactive Bladder

Techniques Used During Biofeedback Therapy Sessions

During every feedback therapy, you will undergo the following steps:

  • Setting objectives for the treatment.
  • Measuring brain and body activity.
  • Using positive feedback to train your brain.
  • Repeating the training session.

Following this treatment process with commitment will help derive optimum results and improve your condition. During the treatment, your therapist will use several techniques, such as:

Change in posture

How you stand, sit, lie down, and hold your posture affects your thought process and your body’s response to stimuli. Biofeedback therapy improves your posture to enhance your overall well-being.

Breathing techniques

Biofeedback sessions teach breathing techniques as a coping mechanism to calm the mind and relieve stress triggers.

Muscle relaxation techniques.

Practicing biofeedback exercises can assist in relieving muscle tension associated with anxiety, stress, and triggers.

Mindfulness techniques

Mindfulness or exercises to enhance concentration are also used in biofeedback sessions to redirect the mind during times of stress.
Each technique is based on your physical requirements and the type of biofeedback therapy used.

How Often Will You Need Biofeedback Therapy?

It is important to remember that biofeedback therapy is more of a training tool that aids your treatment plan. Hence, the more you rely on this therapy, the more benefits you may derive from it. However, you should consult your therapist about the frequency of your sessions. To ensure optimal results, you can also consider practising the therapy from the comfort of your home.

Rely on JOGO’s Biofeedback Therapy For Holistic Betterment

Would you like to know if biofeedback therapy works for you? JOGO Health India offers this therapy for a range of conditions and ailments. To learn about this treatment option, get in touch with our experts or book an appointment to experience biofeedback therapy firsthand.

JOGO Health Private Limited,
1/1,11th Cross st., Shastri Nagar, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600020.

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