Frequent and Unwelcome

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Jan 03, 2022

I got a call from a friend on a Sunday evening – she said, “my friend is due to get an implant to improve bladder control as she is frequently urinating. Will JOGO work for her?”. I wanted to learn more. As my friend continued with the narrative, it was a story that was all too familiar. It was a story that I had heard many times over. Middle aged lady, post child birth, developed urinary incontinence. Exercises and pharmacological interventions weren’t effective. Her doctor recommended implantable neuromodulation device to help achieve bladder control. Success of this procedure wasn’t guaranteed.

One can imagine the mindset of the patient: expensive surgery on a high deductible plan with no guarantee of outcome. A restricted social life. Managing unpredictable leaks with diapers, etc. Road trips with frequent stops. And many other adjustments to daily life.

After an introductory call with JOGO therapist with expertise in pelvic floor conditions, patient agreed to give JOGO a try. A JOGO-Gx unit was shipped to her home, as distance prohibited in-person visits. The pandemic situation added additional restrictions. The patient was taught to use the JOGO-Gx device with proper electrode placements, in order to accomplish the initial assessment via video conference. Patient was educated about the therapeutic process, and put on a 10 week program, with 1 session per week with JOGO therapist via video conference. In between video sessions, patient used JOGO at home.

Patient made steady progress. JOGO-Gx was easy to set up and use. In addition, patient was 100% compliant and interested in her recovery. Patient was able to see the improvement in the strength of her pelvic floor muscles. From having the urge to use the bathroom every hour, she improved to using the bathroom once every 3 hours. She felt well enough to take a road trip to Yosemite national park. Her family was delighted at the new format of road trip: no stops every hour. On her own, patient decided to opt out of surgery as she felt 70% improvement.

JOGO-Gx is a digital therapeutic that is based on proven science of neural plasticity. Underlying science has been available for decades; however, easy to use form factor and clinical expertise had not been available to make it easy for patients to consume this therapy. American Urological Association recommends the modality of therapy used by JOGO.

Sanjai Murali, Founder & CEO, JOGO Health

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