Spasticity is a condition characterised by muscle stiffness and tightness, which impedes normal fluid movement. This involuntary contraction of muscles can disrupt movement, speech, walking, and various daily activities.
Under normal circumstances, nerve signals coordinate muscle actions by instructing them when to relax or tighten. However, individuals with spasticity experience a disruption in communication between the spinal cord, muscles, and brain. This breakdown results in prolonged and unwanted muscle contractions.
Typically, spasticity arises following damage to the brain areas responsible for voluntary movement or the spinal cord nerves that oversee muscle control. The impact of spasticity on individuals can range significantly. It might manifest as a mild sensation of muscle tightness or as painful, severe spasms and stiffness that affect the extremities.
At JOGO, our DTx therapeutics employ advanced diagnostic techniques to precisely identify your spasticity issues. We're dedicated to working closely with you to craft a personalized treatment plan, ensuring a life free from pain.